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Hire Web Developer with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to Rebrand Site

Hastin Lia • 5 Juni 2024 - 6 Min min read | English

Web Developer

Having an attractive and functional website is key to improving your company’s online presence. However, sometimes you may need to change the theme or look to make the user experience fresher and better. Having a web developer who is proficient in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript in situations like these is essential.

Why Do You Need a Web Developer in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript?

Contemporary web development requires proficiency in various technologies and programming languages. The three main components that form the basis of every website are CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. It is difficult to create or theme a website properly if you are not proficient in these three areas.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is a language used to define the style and appearance of elements on a web page. Developers who are proficient in CSS can create website themes that are aesthetically appealing and consistent. They can also control colors, layout, fonts, and other visual aspects.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

The standard markup language known as HTML is used to create the basic structure and content of a web page, which includes adding text, images, links, and other elements. Developers who are proficient in HTML can ensure that their web page themes have a strong structure and well-formatted content.


JavaScript is a programming language that allows people to interact and do things on websites dynamically. Its features include form validation, animation, transition effects, and more. Web developers who are proficient in JavaScript have the ability to create more interactive and responsive website themes that improve the overall user experience. By combining their abilities in these three technologies, a web developer can create or change website themes that are not only functional and easy to use, but also attractive. 

Why Should You Hire Outsourced Web Developers?

Hiring an in-house web developer can be a good option, but it also comes with some challenges. The hiring process can be time-consuming and costly, and you may not find the right candidate with the required skills. This is where an IT outsourcing solution from MSBU can help.

Access to Top Talent

MSBU has a network of experienced web developers selected through a rigorous selection process, which ensures you get access to top talent with skills that match your project needs.

Contract Flexibility

By using an outsourcing solution, you can hire web developers on flexible terms, ranging from a few months to a year or more. This is ideal for projects that require a shorter period of time, such as changing a website theme.

Time and Cost Efficiency

By hiring an outsourced web developer, you can save time and money that would normally be required for in-house hiring. The outsourcing company handles all the administrative processes, allowing you to focus on the core of the project.

Diverse Expertise

With a diverse skill set of front-end, back-end, and full-stack web developers, MSBU ensures you get the right resources to meet your project needs.

Steps to Hiring Outsourced Web Developers

If you decide to use an IT outsourcing solution for your website theme change project, here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Determine Project Needs

The first step is to determine all your project needs. Do you need a front-end, back-end, or full-stack programmer? Are specialized skills required, such as experience with a particular structure? Also, determine the duration of the project and the available budget.

2. Consult with Outsourcing Company

Consult with MSBU once you understand the project needs. Explain in detail what you need, and the outsourcing company will recommend the right web developer.

3. Review the Developer Profile

The outsourcing company will send you the profile of the recommended web developer. Carefully review these profiles, which include their experience, skills, and portfolio. You can also ensure they are qualified through interviews or technical tests.

4. Contract Finalization

Once you have found a suitable web developer, finalize the contract with the outsourcing company. Specify the project timeframe, fees, and other requirements.

5. Start the Project

Once everything is set, the outsourced web development can start working on the theme change of your website. Make sure to communicate regularly and provide criticism during the development process.

Choosing the Right Web Developer for Your Project

If you decide to use IT outsourcing, it is very important to choose the right website builder for your website theme change project. Here are some suggestions to help you in this process:

Review Portfolio and Experience

Before hiring a web developer, check their portfolio and experience. Check their previous projects, especially those related to front-end development or website theme changes.

Ensure Appropriate Skills

Make sure the web developer you choose has the skills that match your project needs. If you need to change a theme that involves a lot of animation and interaction, make sure they are proficient in JavaScript, and if you need to change the visual style significantly, make sure they are proficient in CSS.

Consider Additional Skills

In addition to proficiency in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, also consider additional skills that may be required for your project. For example, if you need to make changes to the back-end side of the website, you may need a builder with proficiency in programming languages such as PHP, Node.js, or Python.

Conduct Interviews and Technical Tests

Before hiring a web developer, conduct interviews and technical tests to assess their capabilities firsthand. This will help you ensure that they have the required skills and can communicate well.

Consider Communication Skills

In a web development project, effective communication is essential. Make sure the web developer you choose can communicate well verbally and in writing to ensure you can communicate well throughout the development process.

By considering these elements, you can choose the right website builder for your website theme change project, which will produce results that meet your expectations and improve your company’s online presence. 


Having an attractive and functioning website is essential for increasing your company’s online visibility. To achieve this, you need to be proficient in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Hiring experienced web development can be a good option if you need a theme change or a new look. The internal hiring process, on the other hand, can be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, IT outsourcing is more effective. By using an outsourcing company, you can get access to top talent, contract flexibility, time and cost efficiency, and a wide range of expertise suitable for your project needs. 

Want to improve your project efficiency quickly?

MSBU offers reliable and flexible programmer outsourcing solutions. Get access to the experienced IT talent and technical expertise you need. 

Contact us now for a free consultation and start your digital transformation with MSBU!

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